Month: November 2016

Is the drive towards Autonomous Transport the road to take?

From horse and cart, to canal and barge, to rail and steam power, to the internal combustion engine and beyond, transportation has always brought about change. But not at such a pace as it is happening today. Technological advancement is continuing at a tremendous speed and its use in transportation is going ahead at full steam.

It is stated that the UK is on the pathway to a driverless future where people and goods are transported around the UK in autonomous vehicles. The date when fully autonomous vehicles are expected to be the majority on the road network is currently estimated to be by the year 2030, for full end-to-end journeys. From now until that year the belief is that the development of assisted vehicle technology to fully connected autonomous vehicles will take place.

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Grey Fleet – The Forgotten Fleet?

Each year in the UK, the ‘Grey Fleet’ travel more than the distance to Pluto and back

It is estimated that the UK Grey Fleet is up to 14 times the size of the Company Fleet of the UK*. Additionally, up to 1.5 billion miles per annum are driven by the Public Sector Grey Fleet and an incredible 11 billion miles by the Private Sector Grey Fleet*. That’s more than travelling to Pluto and back. These figures relate to a huge number of non-company vehicle drivers. However, with many time-intensive inspections, maintenance, and training tasks to perform on company vehicles, this grey fleet element can be overlooked.

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