Month: July 2017

The Benefits of Driver Assessment – Putting the Pieces Together.

For LGV and PCV drivers, the Certificate of Professional Competence requires drivers to do 35 hours training every 5 years. Taking CPC as an example why not have ongoing assessments for all drivers?

Assessing drivers abilities and attitudes to driving can be of significant help to the employee and employer. The qualities of a good driver are derived by attitude, skills and knowledge. Using data to evaluate the driver profile identifies the areas where training and education is required. When all qualities fit together there can be some interesting cost benefits.

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Summertime Driving Trends – Do Endorsements Cool Down?

Comparing the number of endorsements, for every type of offence, in December, July and August, demonstrates the necessity of ensuring that drivers remain entitled to drive. The July and August statistics show that endorsement numbers are similar and higher during the summer holiday period to those recorded in December. Is there a need to increase driver licence checking during this holiday season?

The summertime is often the time to take a holiday, relax and regenerate. Warmer weather, lighter and longer days with schools closed and some factories still closing down for the July and August two week break, one would conclude that the roads would be less busy and therefore the knock on effect would be fewer road accidents and fewer driving offences. With no national celebrations like Christmas or Easter during this period, the temptation to over indulge should also be less.

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Driver Distraction, Inattention or Fatigue.

In a second of time and at 30mph a vehicle will cover a distance of around 13 metres. This second can pass without incident or add to the estimated statistic that around 75% of accidents or near accidents are caused by the contribution of distraction, inattention or fatigue.

Most drivers, at some time in their journey, will encounter a situation that requires an immediate response. Looking ahead and evaluating the speed, direction and proximity of the vehicle are all dependent upon how we process the visual and auditory input. Risk, assessment and corresponding required actions in response are expected in all driving situations. Being alert and aware at all times of the ongoing road conditions is mandatory for the avoidance of collisions with other road users.

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